Monday, November 30, 2009

True Love

One of the stories that I was really interested in was True Love by Sharon Olds. It was interesting how she used metaphors in her story. The story is about a woman in love and she describes her feelings for the man she is in love with deeply throughout the story. She uses some of the metaphors in the story to portray her feelings about love. For example " I know where you are with my eyes closed, we are bound to each other with huge invisible threads." This line shows how this woman felt about her lover. Another line that was interesting was the last line of the story. It says " I quietly call to you and you come and hold my hand and I say I cannot see beyond it, I cannot see beyond it". This quote confused me. What exactly is she saying? I believe that she cannot see past the moment she is in. The moment she holds her lovers hand she is immediately fixated and cannot think. She is saying that she cannot control the moment. For example, when a guy falls in love with a girl. When you are in the moment with a girl you like, you let things happen automatically. You can't control the situation. I think we can all relate one way or another to this poem.

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